Thursday, September 4, 2014

First Air Drop = Success

Today in math class the grade 3s used air drop for the first time to share their work with me. I couldn't believe how fast they caught on. We are currently learning how to represent numbers to 1000. We started with a simple 2 digit number of 41. After exploring all the different ways we could represent a number, they had to choose 4-5 different ways to represent 41. They then had to take a picture of their work with one of the class iPads and airdrop their photos to me so I could file their work electronically. It went really well! Can't wait to talk about these tomorrow and have the students give some feedback to each other, before we dive into some bigger 3-digit numbers.



  1. Wow that is sure doesn't take long for them to learn a new technology tool!
    Can't wait to hear how the feedback goes!

  2. I need to make a set of name cards too -- great idea. Do you know how big of font you used to get them that nice size?

  3. Hi there junior teacher...I don't use a special font size, I used WORD ART in MS Word. Will send you my file. Just right click on the name already there and click edit. Type in your student name.
